A Few Words

About Us


A Few Words About Us

Horit is a Social Business Initiative that launched in 2021 during the pandemic with the goal of creating new employment opportunities, particularly for rural people, throughout Bangladesh.
Our mission is to achieve zero unemployment by training people in local businesses that have less of an impact on climate change and have more reusable sources, so that people can work independently with minimal investment.
The word Horit itself symbolizes the concept of Green, and we are certain that our initiative will have a positive effect on the environment and the people of Bangladesh.

A sustainable dream


To create a world of 3 Zeros – Zero Net Carbon Emissions, Zero Wealth Concentration for ending poverty, and Zero Unemployment – by unleashing entrepreneurship and providing training and education in sustainable and circular economy practices to rural communities in Banglades


A world where every rural community in Bangladesh has access to dignified employment opportunities, sustainable economic growth, and a thriving environment.


To empower rural residents of Bangladesh to eradicate poverty, reduce carbon emissions, and eliminate unemployment by fostering entrepreneurship and promoting sustainable economic development through the principles of social business and circular economy.

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